Friday, March 19, 2010

Pretty Darn Impressive.

"Bottom line: The current legislation is not “pro-abortion,” and there is no, repeat no, federal funding of abortion in the bill." (Via Yglesias)

I think it's funny how, EVERY TIME there's a complaint about the bill, it's normally well documented that its not the case... Sure, the legislation probably was a bit stronger, but, as was said in the same post (or links thereinto)... You can't prevent your dollars, regardless of how you spend them, from going into the hands of abortion supporters. Boycott probably half to three quarters of the current marketplace, because, funding ends up from their hands, into that which you disapprove of. It's the principle of the matter? Well. Be consistent with your principles.

Secondly, how about the cost? It's been already stated that the plan, as is will save the government billions over the next 10 years, and save ALL OF US, money over the same time period by cost controls to insurance companies for the same reason. Amazing. Fiscal conservatives should be all over this... except... they're not? Man, if the Democrats were as well organized and marshalled and as staunch as the Republicans, this would have been done sometime last year.

A bit from Forbes quoting:

"Rep. Tim Ryan, an anti-abortion Democrat from Ohio, said through a spokesman that he, too, is siding with the nuns and hospitals and will vote for the bill.

On the House floor Friday, Ryan took issue with several arguments Republicans have used against the bill. He said the GOP argues that "seniors are against it, but then AARP endorses it. Our friends on the other side say doctors are against it, but the American Medical Association endorses it."

"You say that this is pro-abortion," he continued, and yet "you have 59,000 Catholic nuns from across the country endorsing this bill, 600 Catholic hospitals, 1,400 Catholic nursing homes endorsing this bill.""

The USCCB (Catholic Conference of Bishops) are again, on the wrong side of the bill. Why? It's politics. It's politics. It's always been politics. Even if it's NOT politics, it's ALWAYS politics.

That said. Stupak needs to get his head out of his bottom and realize, like Ryan, the benefits, and the support are there.

We're getting this shit done for everyone, even if it's kinda bad, even if it's still a private system... It's a step.

A step to hopefully a public system where the goal is wellness and not profit margins.

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