Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Letters to the Editor.

So, while perusing twitter, I came across this page (which, is stylistically abyssmal... without any notation of sections...) in the las vegas review journal.

I like to pretend I can yell at these people for some of the moronic statements they put up. Unfortunately, this is the only soapbox I can afford lately.

To the editor:

Jay Leno recently made fun of U.S. Senate candidate Sue Lowden's remarks that one possible solution to help control the cost of health care is to encourage physician-patient bartering. As a family physician in my rural community of Smith Valley for more than 26 years, I can state from personal experience that bartering works.

Mr. Leno laughed and said bartering would work only for the Amish. Although my community is not Amish, we in rural America share their work ethic and respect for the American spirit.


And yes, Mr. Leno, I have bartered with patients -- for alfalfa hay, a bath tub, yard work and horse shoeing in exchange for my care.

The health care bill recently forced on the American people by President Obama, Sen. Harry Reid and Rep. Nancy Pelosi has many undisclosed costs, but one of the glaring issues is it takes away our ability to make decisions for ourselves.

I have many patients who choose to self insure, live healthy lifestyles and keep their health care costs down. Their rights have just been infringed on. Thank you, Ms. Lowden, for being willing to think outside the classic, politically correct box.

Robin L. Titus, M.D.

Now, what she's trying to say here, is that we, who work in the cities, who compromise 80% of America,should do what's best for 20% of America, and not the 80%? Secondly, what am i to do? I don't have a profession that's 1) easily understandable, and 2) useful to most americans. How am I going to barter with my doctor? Tell them, hey, I can help manage someone building you a piece of software... what? you don't need my services? How the hell am i supposed to barter that? Oh, it could be because i'm supposed to farm in the city, in my 1/20th of an acre parsel. Yeah. Mmhmm..

I also find objection to the idea that this bill was 'forced' on anyone. This is America. Your state voted in Harry Reid. If you don't like it. Tough Nuggets. You only like democracy when you're in charge. Period. If you're the minority, not everything's going to go your way, you can't whine and complain that 'JEEZ THIS WAS FORCED ON ME, I DIDN'T ELECT THIS S.O.B. I WANT TO SECEDE!'. But, this is the current situation we live in. Shocking eh?

That said, I'm self-insured. I don't have a full time job that allows me to be corporately insured. But the problem isn't in the way you pay for it, but in the way that our health care system works. It's backwards. If you think making sure people can pay for health care is the solution. You're wrong. If you think that doing nothing is a solution. You're wrong. If this is what 'repeal and replace is'. It affects even less Americans than the initial implementation.

Onto number 2.

To the editor:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's Sunday reply to your April 13 editorial about immigration reform only goes to prove how entirely out of touch he and his party are with real-life America.

The only thing that will turn the tide in this assault against our nation is to enforce existing immigration law and turn off the gravy train of benefits being afforded to these people. Employers who hire illegals need to be heavily penalized and prosecuted. Treatment at our local hospitals should require legitimate identification. No free education and "English Language Learner" courses. No food stamps, Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security for illegals. No more anchor babies. No more printing of government documents in multiple languages.

I have no dispute with legal immigration and never have. The politically correct will scream and stamp their feet and demand we grant amnesty. I am not willing to sacrifice our nation so Sen. Reid can create a new voting bloc.

Hard times demand hard decisions. No amnesty, no benefits, no jobs. Only when we make this country uninviting to illegals will this assault on our nation stop.

Cheryl Flathers

Las Vegas

Lets start with #1. How many jobs does your average unemployed American want, that are currently held by illegal immigrants? 47. Yes. 47 jobs. That's it. How many, consciencious, republican, white Americans want to work in a glass factory, in backwoods nevada, for 11 hours a day, making $7.75 under the table without benefits. No, they wouldn't hire you, because you demand benefits, time off, adequate wage compensation. You don't really want to be the dishwasher at a restaurant... i know some hardworking irish guys in boston still do as they're illegally here? Do you, Ms. Flathers think that's a good job for you, your spouse? Your 2.3 kids? A Day laborer? No, these are jobs, primarily filled by illegal immigrants, that most Americans, and American Companies THRIVE on (in an awful way). Now, insofar as benefits, and medicare, and social security... I hate to repeat myself (as it seems I do)... Find me evidence that these illegal immigrants are necessarily receiving the benefits of being an American. No, no one can.

To this, i quote Yaphet Kotto (the band), in their song Fact nor Fiction.

Translated says "We don't want you here. Go back home, where you came from"
The only way we do want you here is if you transform yourself.
In other words become the image of our fantasy
of an obedient, english speaking, white thinking, aculturated, assimilated American
It's for your own good
Sure you can become an American. You can be one of us
You just have to abide by some simple rules
All you got to do is, forget where you come from, buy the lie,
kill yourself to wake up in the American dream...
Or else
Stop all traditional cultural practices...Today
Stop all identity connected to your mother country...Now
Stop speaking any language other than english
And if we catch you speaking any foreign language in public, in school, even in the home
you are subject to arrest and deportation.
It's for your own good
See how easy it is to become an American
Just fulfill the image of our fantasy of a docle, quiet, obedient, english speaking, white thinking...
On second thought, we'd prefer that you not to become voting citizens.
So just stay illegal so we can continue to have our scapegoats ok
Land of the free, home of the brave.
See how many options you have?
Things will be so much easier once you forget all that bothersome cultural private stuff.
Primitive thinking religions and indiginous languages
Then you can progress, move forward. Move towards the ideal. Complete assimilation.
It's for your own good.
Then maybe you can get an education.
See in America everyone is equal right?
Everyone has the same opportunities to succeed right?
Thats what this democracy, this system, this government, this country is based on right?
Equal opportunity, thats why we ended affirmitavie action.
It's for your own good.
Because minoritys, working people, poor people they dont need any policies like that.
Because everything's equal...right?
Racism? Oh that...uh...well...see we took care of that. Thats not a problem anymore.
Maybe theres a few isolated incidences with the KKK in the south but
this is California.
Racism's a thing of the past.